Friday, August 8, 2008

Log Siding or Vinyl Siding? Maybe Vinyl Log Siding.

Consumers today have many different choices of ways to cover their home. In the siding category alone, there exists options such as aluminum, lumber, vinyl, and even shingles. All of these options have pros and cons, so let us run down the major differences between the two siding types that are the most popular; log and vinyl.

Many customers that I have dealt with in the past have chosen vinyl siding out of sheer familiarity. It is extremely popular because it is affordable and easy to install. There are virtually no issues with keeping it clean, and it is usually pretty easy to replace pieces should they become damaged. The negatives of vinyl are few, but worth taking a look at. The major issue is that the value of your home will not increase as it would with brick or stone. Because vinyl is so common, in some instances it can take away from the value. It also does not hold up in storms as well as other building materials.

Log Siding is also very popular, especially among homeowners that have a little more to spend on aesthetics. The look of log siding is organic and charming, and it increases property value and popularity. It is a bit more tricky and time consuming to install, but looks fantastic in the end. The downside to log siding is the maintenance. Most companies recommend an inspection twice a year, plus most woods have to be treated with a sealer before they can be installed. This process takes about a third more time, and the sealer can be pricey.

The perfect blend of these products comes in a fairly new building resource known as vinyl log siding. This product blends the best things of vinyl siding with the beauty of log siding. The homeowner is sure to keep that natural charm that comes with log siding, but loses the pesky bugs, and biannual inspections. Best of all, it is easier to install and cheaper! Homeowners that currently use this product rave about how well it stands up to the elements, and there are no home-value issues.

Obviously, consumers have many choices when it comes to building supplies for their property. Those that are looking for the charm of log siding with the affordability and ease of use that comes with vinyl siding should seriously consider vinyl log siding. It is the smartest choice.